New Board Member Orientation

New Board Member Orientation

  1. About Us

    1. Mission, Vision and Values
    2. Administration
    3. College History
    4. Strategic Plan
    5. Campus Map
    6. Demographics
  2. Board of Trustees

    1. Board of Trustees 
      1. Meeting Minutes
      2. Faculty Negotiated Agreement
      3. Municipal Audit Report
      4. GCCC Annual Reports
    2. Trusteeship 101
    3. New Trustee Orientation
    4. GCCC Board Officers
  3. Board Policies

    1. Policy Governance Handbook
  4. Code of Ethics

    1. Guide to Ethical Governance
    2. GCCC Trustee Code of Ethics
  5. Robert's Rules of Order

    1. Robert's Rules Simplified
    2. GCCC Board of Trustees Adapted Rules of Board Meeting Decorum
  6. Financial Overview

    1. Tuition and Fees Overview
    2. Breakdown of Revenue and Resources
    3. Annual Report Graphic
  7. Employee Policies and Procedures

    1. Employee Policies
  8. GCCC Board Information

    1. How to Access GC3 email
    2. Community Feedback Form
      1. This is a form which allows the community to voice comments and concerns either directly with the board or president. Comments submitted pertaining to the president are sent directly to the board and not to the president to review.
  9. Meeting Calendar

    1. Monitoring Report Calendar
    2. Monitoring Organization Performance
  10. Accreditation

    1. Accreditation information
    2. Expected Learner Outcomes
    3. Assessment overview
      1. College ENDS report
      2. Non-Academic Assessment Manual and reviews
      3. Academic Assessment Manual and Program reviews
  11. Open Meeting Laws

    1. Kansas Open Meeting Act
    2. Kansas Open Records Act
  12. GCCC Links

    1. Accreditation
    2. Local, State and Federal Representatives
    3. Internal Governance Committee
    4. Broncbuster Athletic Association
    5. Endowment Association
    6. Taxpayer Transparency Data
    7. Kansas Board of Regents
    8. Kansas Technical Education Authority
    9. Kansas Community College Service Area Map
    10. Board of Trustees Handbook
    11. Kansas Community College Statutes 
  13. Training/Professional Organizations


*More information about cost of attendance can be found here