General Information
Student Eligibility Requirements For Federal Student Aid
- Be a United States citizen or an eligible non-citizen.
- Be a high school graduate or have successfully completed the GED examination.
- Be enrolled as a regular degree (.AS, .AA, .AAS, .AGS) or certificate-seeking* student in an eligible program of study.
- Meet Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) standards established by the college.
- Demonstrate a level of financial need through completion of the Free Application For Federal Student Aid (FAFSA).
Learn more about federal student aid eligibility
Who should complete the FAFSA® form?
Any student, regardless of income, who wants to be considered for federal, state, and school financial aid programs. This includes grants, scholarships, work-study funds, and loans.
How long will it take?
It takes most people less than one hour to fill out the FAFSA form, including gathering any personal documents and financial information needed to complete it.
What do I need?
Verified account username and password (FSA ID)
Parent or spouse contributor name, date of birth, Social Security number, and email address
Income and asset information (if required)
*Eligible Certificates
AGLV.CERTB Agribusiness Specialist Certificate--Livestock Management AGRO.CERTB Agribusiness Specialist- Agronomy Certificate ANSI.CERTB Food Science-Meat Production Certificate AUTO.CERTC Automotive Certificate C CNTR.CERTA Carpentry Certificate A CSCI.CERTA Computer Support Specialist CSCI.CERTB Computer Support Specialist Certificate B COSM.CERT Cosmetology Certificate CROP.CERTC Crop Production Certificate C INPR.CERTC Industrial Machine/Maintenance Technology Certificate C MEDA.CERTC Medical Assistant EMTT.CERTC Paramedic Certificate C PN.CERT Licensed Practical/Vocational Nurse Certificate ROBT.CERTB Robotics and Mechatronics Technology Certificate B WELD.CERTC Welding Certificate C
How to Apply For Federal Student Aid
Eligibility for all need-based awards is determined through submission of the Department of Education Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA).
- Complete the FAFSA indicating Garden City Community College (Federal School Code 001919) in the school selection section. The FAFSA is submitted online at
- Submit official high school transcript or GED scores on file to the Admissions Office.
- Submit all official transcripts from any previously-attended college, university, or technical schools to the Admissions Office.
- Meet all student eligibility requirements previously listed.
- Provide documentation requested by the Financial Aid Office.
- Complete a new FAFSA each year.
Types of Financial Aid: Loans, Grants, and Work-Study Programs
Learn more here:
Student Loan Code of Conduct
Additional Financial Aid Assistance
Veterans Administration Benefits
Veterans, spouses and children of disabled or deceased veterans may qualify for special education benefits. Students should contact their local Veterans Administration Office for forms and further information. Any and all VA benefits received must be reported to the Registrar's Office.
Vocational Rehabilitation
Students with physical or emotional disabilities may qualify for special assistance. Students should contact the division of Vocational Rehabilitation, Department of Social and Rehabilitation Services in their area.
Award Notification
When a student's need has been established, it is the goal of Garden City Community College to make funds available to help meet that need. Recipients are selected according to established need as funds are available. Students will receive offer letters as soon as possible after the college receives its official notification of program funding from the federal government. Financial aid files are complete only when all required information and documentation has been received. Financial aid files are then reviewed and awarded in chronological order of completion, and offer letters are printed in this same order. Files complete and accurate by June 1st will be awarded prior to August 1st. Files complete and accurate by July 1st will be awarded prior to the start of the Fall semester.
A Financial Aid Offer Letter, explaining awards and cost of attendance will be mailed and available in the student protal.
Funds will not be released until the student's attendance has been certified by the Registrar.
Financial Aid Census Day
Financial Aid Census Dates are the days that GCCC will take a "snapshot" of student's enrollment for the semester.
- Fall 2024: September 16, 2024
- Spring 2025: February 14, 2025
- Summer 2025: TBD
If students enroll less than full-time (12 credit hours per semester), their award package will be prorated or could result in no award. To be counted toward the enrollment level for grant purposes students must be enrolled in the classes as of the census date even if the class(es) have a start date that is later in the semeseter. If students add classes after the Financial Aid Census Day they will not be counted for grant payment purposes. If students drop classes after the Financial Aid Census Day (as long as they don't drop all classes) they ordinarily will not owe any of the financial aid already disbursed back to GCCC. However, if students drop too many classes it could affect Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) status by lowering the pace/completion rate.
NEW for 2024-2025 award year
What is Enrollment Intensity?
Enrollment intensity is a percentage that represents credit hours enrolled on census day compared to a full-time enrollment. Pell Grant award will now be pro-rated based on actual credit hours enrolled as of census day. Chart below is only for the Federal Pell Grant.
2024-25 Enrolled Credit Hours |
12+ | 100% |
11 | 92% |
10 | 83% |
9 | 75% |
8 | 67% |
7 | 58% |
6 | 50% |
5 | 42% |
4 | 33% |
3 | 25% |
2 | 17% |
1 | 8% |
There are limits to Pell grant, learn more about Pell Lifetime Eligibility
Financial aid is disbursed a minimum of twice a year, normally in late September and
again in late February for regular session classes. Summer disbursement dates vary.
Disbursements will be made after the student’s enrollment has been certified by the
Records Office. Financial aid credit balances are issued by the Business Office via
electronic refund or check. Students can opt-in for electronic refunds by logging
in to TouchNet via Self-Service or OneLogin. Checks can be picked up at the Business
Office located in the administration building. Normal office hours are 8 a.m. to 4:30
p.m. (M-Th) and 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. (F) during the regular term, and 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.
(M-Th) and 8 a.m. to 12 noon (F) during the summer term. Students are notified via
their BusterMail (student email) when an electronic or check refund is available.
Refund checks not picked up within 14 days of notification will be mailed to the student.
Refund Date is the day that the GCCC Business Office will refund any excess financial
aid and/or scholarships that have been disbursed onto a student’s account. To receive
a refund sooner, please opt into electronic refunds through your self-service, under
Electronic Refunds | Paper Check Refunds | |
Fall 2024 | September 30, 2024 | October 2, 2024 |
Spring 2025 | February 28, 2025 | March 4, 2025 |
Summer 2025 | TBD | TBD |
If your financial aid will more than pay your institutional costs at GCCC, the remainder may be used to buy books/supplies. Vouchers are available in the Business Office or by emailing the week before each class begins.
All financial aid is credited directly to the student’s account. Students may complete a Title IV Authorization to Apply Federal Financial Aid to Other Institutional Charges form to pay charges including but not limited to fines, damages, books, childcare costs, NSF checks, and lost or stolen equipment charges. The form is available at the GCCC Business Office, Financial Aid Office, or at the website under the forms link on the Financial Aid page.
Students must notify the Registrar’s Office whenever there is a change in their local or permanent address or phone number.
The student’s official high school transcript or GED scores, and official transcripts from all colleges, universities and technical schools attended must be received by GCCC before financial aid can be awarded.
Students must be degree-seeking at GCCC or enrolled in an eligible certificate program at GCCC to receive federal financial aid. Federal financial aid (Pell grant & loans) can only be awarded/disbursed for classes that count toward your degree or eligible certificate at GCCC.
To be eligible for a Federal Stafford Loan in any semester, the student must be enrolled in at least six (6) credit hours. A valid Master Promissory Note must be on file and a loan acceptance form must be completed for any loan to be originated. All required loan counseling must also be completed before loan applications are processed.
To apply for a federal work study job, students must have a completed federal financial aid file.
Students must maintain Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) toward their degree to continue eligibility for financial aid. When students do not begin attendance and/or withdraw from class(es), they may owe a federal financial aid refund and may be placed on financial aid ‘warning’ or financial aid ‘denial’.
In compliance with the U.S. Dept. of Education’s Privacy & Technical Assistance Center
(PTAC), GCCC does not release FAFSA-related data nor financial aid history, without
a student’s written authorization. The authorization form is available at the Business
Office, Student Services offices, or on our website under the forms link on the Financial
Aid webpage.
Financial aid is not automatically renewable. Students must apply each year. The processing
of financial aid applications (FAFSA) can take six to eight (6-8) weeks, and students
should apply early.
If students or their families have unusual circumstances that merit consideration regarding the financial aid application, they should contact the Financial Aid Office to discuss how to apply for a Professional Judgement. These circumstances might include changes related to family size, marital status, reduction in earnings or loss of other income, one-time income, excessive out-of-pocket medical expenses, etc.
(For detailed information regarding the above topics refer to the College Catalog, Student Handbook, GCCC’s website or email the Financial Aid Office at or call 620-276-9519.
Cost of Attendance is a college's total estimated expenses for one academic year that
includes all possible costs students may have including books and supplies, fees,
personal, housing and food, transportation, and tuition. For your specific costs you
can review your official bill account in self-service. Learn more about cost of attendance:
Cost Of Education Components
For financial aid eligibility, Garden City Community College defines an academic year as 24 credit hours and 32 weeks in length beginning with the first day of class of the regularly scheduled Fall semester and ending with the last day of final examinations for the regularly scheduled Spring semester.
The following components are used in computing a full-time student's cost of attendance at Garden City Community College for the academic year. Adjustments are made for less than full time student status.
2025-2026 Cost of Attendance Information
Textbook Information
Information about required textbooks can be found on our tuition and fees page and by visiting
Adjustments To The Aid Package
In addition to aid available from the college, financial aid is available from a variety of sources. Such agencies have their own criteria for eligibility funding and limits.
Students should be aware that the various agencies and the college will determine awards at different times and independently of each other. Students must report all scholarships, grants, etc. to the Financial Aid Office.
In cases where students receive more than one award, the aid package may need to be adjusted in order to comply with federal regulations and individual program guidelines. With the variety of agencies controlling funds, the need to make adjustments is becoming more common.
Students and their parents should understand that the acceptance of any award is always subject to adjustment in order to comply with the federal regulations and the guidelines of any program from which funds are received. Awards may be prorated or eliminated based on the student's actual enrollment and other awards.
The amount of each student's federal award is based upon established need. A student's financial aid package is awarded in the following order: (1) Federal Pell Grant (2) external sources of scholarships and grants, (3) institutional scholarships & grants, (4) FSEOG, (5) Federal Work-Study, and (6) Federal Stafford Loans.
Professional Judgment/Special Circumstance
If students or their families have unusual circumstances that merit consideration in regard to the financial aid application, they should contact the Financial Aid Office. These might include changes related to family size, reduction in earnings or loss of other income, one-time income, excessive out-of-pocket medical expenses, etc.
Federal financial aid regulations allow financial aid administrators to adjust your cost of attendance if you have special circumstances/expenses which your current estimated cost of attendance does not cover. To determine if adjustments can be made to your set cost of attendance, please contact the Financial Aid Office. Requests are reviewed on a case-by-case basis.
- 24-25 Professional Judgement Dependent
- 24-25 Professional Judgement Independent
- 24-25 Professional Judgement Cost of Attendence
When students do not begin attendance and/or withdraw from class(es), they may owe a federal financial aid refund.
Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) Policy
GCCC Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) Requirements
Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) Appeal Process
The appeal process is available to any student being denied financial aid at GCCC. During the appeal process, a student is allowed to enroll at GCCC if he or she meets all requirements for admission or re-admission. However, the student is responsible for paying all direct costs (tuition, fees, books, residence hall charges). Appeals should be submitted as soon as possible to facilitate informed decisions regarding enrollment and associated financial obligations.
All appeals must be made in writing and submitted in compliance with the requirements shown below.
- PRIORITY DEADLINE: Appeals should be submitted as soon as possible to facilitate informed decisions regarding
enrollment and associated financial obligations. Students should submit a "Financial
Aid Denial Appeal Form" (available at the Financial Aid Office or the GCCC website by the first day of classes for the semester of enrollment for which they wish to
be considered. The appeal must explain specific mitigating circumstances including
supporting statements and documentation from appropriate sources (i.e. physician,
academic advisor, employer). The appeal should also include steps taken to insure
that the circumstances will not be repeated. The Director of Financial Aid will notify
the student of the outcome of the appeal.
If the appeal is granted the student's eligibility for federal financial aid will be reinstated and the student may be placed on financial aid Probation and/or required to develop an Academic Plan. - UPWARD APPEAL: If the appeal is denied by the Director of Financial Aid, the student may continue
the appeal process by filing a written appeal with the Vice President for Student
Services and Athletics within one week of notification of denial of appeal by the
Director of Financial Aid. The VP for Student Services will render a decision and
notify the student within one week. The Vice President for Student Services and Athletics
at Garden City Community College shall have final jurisdiction on appeals for financial
aid recipients.
- DENIED APPEALS: If the appeal is denied the student remains on Financial Aid Denial and must satisfactorily complete a minimum of twelve (12) credit hours without the benefit of federal financial aid with a minimum 2.0 GPA for those credits before they will be allowed to submit a subsequent SAP appeal or request reinstatement. If the student received a Satisfactory Academic Progress denial notification for a semester in which they were enrolled half-time or less, a minimum of six (6) credit hours with a minimum 2.0 GPA for those credit hours must be completed without the benefit of federal financial aid before the student may submit a subsequent appeal or request reinstatement. The required hours do not all need to be completed in the same enrollment period.
Refund Policies
Click Here to view refund policy
Student Rights & Responsibilities
Students have the right to know: the financial aid programs that are available; the deadline for submitting applications for each financial aid program; how financial aid will be distributed; how financial need was determined; what resources were considered in the calculation of the need; how most of the financial need as determined has been met; Garden City Community College's refund policy; what portion is grant aid; how the school determines whether students are making satisfactory progress and what happens if they are not making satisfactory progress.
Students have the responsibility: to complete forms accurately and submit them on time; to provide correct and complete information; to return all additional documentation, correction or new information requested by the Financial Aid Office or the agency to which the applications were submitted; to read and understand all forms they are asked to sign and to keep copies; to perform the work that is agreed upon in accepting a work study award; to be aware of the school's refund procedure; to repay all loans in accordance with the repayment schedule; and to inform the Financial Aid Office of any changes in enrollment, name, address, and marital status.
Academic Programs & Faculty
Descriptions of the academic and technical programs offered at Garden City Community College, the list of the administration and faculty and the college accrediting agencies may be found in the current issue of the college catalog.
Non-Discrimination Policy
According to the requirements of Titles VI and VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the Age Discrimination Act of 1975, the Vietnam Era Veterans Readjustment Assistance Act of 1974, the Elliot-Larsen Civil Rights Act, and Executive Order 11246, Garden City Community College does not discriminate against applicants, employees or students on the basis of race, religion, color, national origin, sex, age, height, weight, marital status or handicap, nor will sexual harassment be tolerated in its employment practices and/or educational programs or activities. Those concerned about the above should contact the Equal Opportunity Compliance Officer, Garden City Community College, 801 Campus Drive, Garden City, Kansas 67846.
Student's Right-To-Know/Campus Security Act
GCCC adheres to the Student's Right-To-Know and Campus Security Act (Public Law 101-542). Current statistics are available upon request through the Admissions Office and Athletic Director's office.
Misrepresentation Information
Information about institutional grievance procedures may be found in the following link: Policy
Important Disclosures Related to Title IV Aid
NSLDS Disclosure Statement
Students and/or parents who enter into an agreement regarding a Title IV loan are advised that the loan information will submitted to the National Student Loan Data System (NSLDS), and will be accessible by guaranty agencies, lenders, and schools determined to be authorized users of the data system.
The National Student Loan Data System (NSLDS) is the U.S. Department of Education's central database for student aid. NSLDS receives data from schools, guaranty agencies, the Direct Loan program, and other Department of ED programs.
NSLDS Student Access provides a centralized, integrated view of Title IV loans and grants so that recipients of Title IV Aid can access and inquire about their Title IV loans and/or grant data. Students and/or parents can access their personal loan/grant information at
Voter Registration
To register online or for more information about registering to vote in Kansas, visit
Constitution Day Information
Each year in September, GCCC hosts an event to commemorate Constitution Day. For more information on the event, please contact the Office of Financial Aid in early September or check the Student Handbook for more details