Expected Outcomes

About GCCC

After studying at Garden City Community College, a student can expect to walk away with institutional skills, work preparedness, the ability to transfer to other colleges and universities, a sense of enrichment, and readiness to join the workforce.

Expected Outcomes

Institutional Skills

Essential Skills

  • Critical Thinking- Students will exhibit critical thinking skills.
  • Diversity Awareness- Students will develop an awareness of diversity.
  • Oral communication- Students will demonstrate oral communication skills.
  • Social Responsibility- Students will develop an awareness of social responsibility.
  • Written Communication- Students will illustrate written communication skills.

Employability Skills

  • Communication - Students will be able to communicate effectively.
  • Problem Solving- Students will apply problem solving skills in industry-specific situations.
  • Work Ethic- Students will model work ethic

Work Preparedness

  • Students will be prepared for success in the workplace.
  • Students will have the skills and knowledge required for successful entry into the workplace.
  • Students will have the work ethics, discipline, and collaborative skills necessary to be successful in the workplace.
  • Students will have the skills and knowledge necessary to maintain, advance, or change their employment or occupation.

Academic Advancement

  • Students desiring academic advancement will be prepared for successful transfer to other colleges and universities.
  • Students will have the academic prerequisites sufficient for successful transfer.
  • Students will have appropriate knowledge of transfer requirements.

Personal Enrichment

  • Recipients will have experiences of personal enrichment in their chosen areas of interest.

Workforce Development

  • Workforce development will be responsive to community economic development and employer needs.