Workforce Development

Workforce Development

Garden City Community College is an active supporter of the workforce of southwest Kansas, driven by directives from the college Board of Trustees dating as far back as 1995. The college frequently partners with the Finney County Economic Development Corporation to secure training pipelines for current and future regional businesses. We also frequently partner with regional industries for traditional credit-based and non-credit trainings for existing employees.

Multiple pipelines for training development:

  • Credit-based: Many regional employers support future or current employees through traditional credit-based college credentials (certificates or a two-year degree). For more information contact Chuck Pfeifer, the Dean of Technical Education and Workforce Development.
  • Non-credit: Many regional employers work with GCCC to develop non-credit training options. These are entirely flexible in terms of content and time. Chuck Pfeifer, the Dean of Technical Education and Workforce Development.
  • Registered Apprenticeships: Employers with current workforce shortages or those with identified candidates for training may be interested in an apprenticeship, an industry-driven career pathway combining on-the-job training and related technical instruction in a classroom.
  • Employer Tuition Support: If you are an employer who provides financial support for employees to continue their education, we want to help you advertise. We are partnering with local businesses and with Finney County Economic Development to keep a comprehensive list of those employers with incentives.