Title IX Compliance Information

Title IX Compliance Information


Garden City Community College is committed to providing a safe and secure learning environment for students, faculty, staff, and the general public while on campus, or in any facility owned or operated by the College. We will strive this through community partnerships, education, planning, and the enforcement of state and local laws.


Should you experience any type of harassment we encourage you to notify the Garden City Community College Campus Police Department or the Title IX Coordinator, who will help ensure that supportive measures are implemented, that the misconduct is eliminated and that future incidents are prevented.


Contact Information

To discuss and file a formal written complaint regarding sexual misconduct, please contact:

24-7 Reporting option and Anonymous Reporting
Safety Assessment Form

Kellee Munoz
Title IX Coordinator
Located in Student & Community Services Center

Campus Police Department

For immediate assistance, call 911

Tammy Tabor
Dean of Student Services
Located in the Student & Community Services Center

Kellee Munoz
Title IX Coordinator
Located in Student & Community Services Center

Colin Lamb
Vice President for Student Services and Athletics
Located in the Student & Community Services Center

Rodney Dozier
Chief of Campus Police
Located in the Student & Community Services Center

Brandy Unruh
Criminal Justice Instructor
Located in the John Collins Vocational Tech Center
(620) 276-9503


Title IX FAQ

  1. Get to a safe place.
  2. Reach out to a friend that you can trust.
  3. Don't shower or bathe any part of your body. Don't douche, urinate, defecate, use                      medications or brush your teeth, if possible.
  4. Preserve Evidence. Stay in the clothes you are wearing, or bring clothes, sheets or

                anything else that was in contact with you during the assault in a paper bag, or                             wrapped in a clean sheet - don't clean or straighten up the area.

  1. Get medical help! Seek medical attention to check for internal injuries that you might                 not be aware of.  Have a rape kit done at the hospital.  Even if you don't think you                            want to press charges, having a rape kit allow you to have the evidence collected                 should you change your mind later.
  2. Seek counseling support. Talk to the Title IX Coordinator about supportive measures.

Privacy vs confidential

We will take all of the necessary precautions to investigate and respond in a manner consistent with the student's request.

Privacy means that information related to a complaint will only be shared with GCCC employee's who "need to know” in order to assist with the assessment, investigation, and resolution.

Confidentiality exists in the context of laws that protect certain relationships, including those who provide services related to medical and clinical care, mental health counselors, and ordained clergy.

  • If a student requests confidentiality and decides not to press charges in a sexual violence case, an anonymous report of the incident must still be made in order to comply with the Clery Act (campus crime reporting)
  • On-campus counselors and advocates - those working in sexual assault centers, victim advocacy offices, women's health centers, as well as licensed and pastoral counselors, can talk with a survivor in confidence.

Title IX protects individuals from retaliation if they report sexual harassment or violence. If the alleged respondent or his/her friends taunt you, bully you, call your names or harass you in ay way, report this to the Title IX Coordinator immediately! The GCCC Administration are here as a resource and take a strong action if any retaliation or new incidents of harassment occur.

If you experience sexual harassment, gender discrimination or sexual violence, we encourage you to reach out right away - we are here to help.


  • Title IX Coordinator: 620-276-9574
  • Public Safety: 620-272-6828
    Local Police: 911
    Residence Life: (620) 276-9642
  • Counseling: 620-276-9683
    Health Services: 620-276-9601
    Disability Services: 620-276-9638
    Genesis Family Health: 620-275-1766
  • Family Crisis Services: 620-275-5911
  • National Sexual Assault: 1-800-656-HOPE (4673)
  • National Domestic Violence: 1-800-799-SAFE (7233)
  • Incident Reporting Form

No one expects you to be a trained rape counselor, but there are things you can do to help your friend to cope and to find help. Whether the assault occurred recently or a long time ago, it is helpful if you can:

  • Believe them 
  • Maintain a calm manner
  • Listen without interrupting
  • Allow for tears and expression of feelings
  • Convey genuine concern
  • Provide accurate information
  • Allow them to make his/her own choices
  • Set judgments aside
  • Maintain confidentiality
  • Let them know that it's not their fault (You cannot say this enough!)
  • Let them know that there are people who can help and that they don't have to go through this alone.
  • Refer your friend to help and encourage them to go. They trust you, that is why they are talking to you. You can use that influence to help them reach out for help



Yes! Sexual violence refers to sexual acts perpetrated against a person's will where consent is not obtained or where a person is incapable of giving consent due to his/her use of alcohol or other drugs.

On average, at 50% of campus sexual assaults involve alcohol. It's the main drug used by perpetrators of sexual violence. The use of drugs or alcohol can result in the following:

  • Can impair the perpetrator's judgment so he/she disregards indications that a person doesn't want to engage in sexual activity
  • Can impair a victim's judgment so he/she is less likely to take heed of risk cues
  • Can increase the expectancies of what will happen when we drink
  • Perpetrators may use alcohol as an excuse for their actions 
  • Victims who drink and are then assaulted may be blamed for "letting" the assault occur and/or sending mixed messages, even though it's never their fault

Keep all of these things in mind when making choices about drugs and alcohol.


24-7 access to reporting

The duties and responsibilities of Title IX include monitoring and oversight of overall implementation of Equal Opportunity Law and Title IX compliance at the university, including coordination of training, education, communication and administration of grievance procedures for faculty, staff, students and other members of the university community. To file a complaint click HERE


Training Materials for Grievance Process Pool and Title IX Team

Title IX, the Violence Against Women Act, and the Clery Act require Title IX staff to be trained annually. The Title IX Coordinator will post the materials used to train the Title IX Team and the Grievance Process Pool members here:



Annual Title IX Training - Husch Blackwell


Title IX Coordinator Foundations: Sex Based Harassment in Higher Education - ATIXA


Implementing the 2024 Title IX Regulations in Higher Education - ATIXA


Investigation Skills and Report Writing for Higher Education- ATIXA

12/6/2023 & 12/7/2023

Managing Intake, Jurisdiction and Dismissals Workshop -ATIXA  


Understanding Consent Workshop - ATIXA


Title IX Investigators Training - Dan Schorr LLC


IX Issues to Consider in 2022 - Dan Schorr LLC


Civil Rights Investigator Level Two: Advanced


Investigative Interviews Webinar - Dan Schorr LLC


Investigations Involving Student Athletes: Issues to Consider and Best Practices


Civil Rights Investigator Level One Training & Certification Course - Orlando, FL


Husch Blackwell Title IX & Sexual Harassment Response


Title IX Coordinator And Administrator Training & Certification Level One Course


Title IX Coordinator And Administrator Level Two Training & Certification


OCR Webinar on Due Process Protections under the NEW Title IX Regulations


2020 Title IX Regulations as a Checklist


Title IX Policy

Violence Against Women Act (VAWA)

Rights and Options

Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 prohibits sex discrimination -which includes sexual violence- in educational programs and activities. All public and private schools, school districts, colleges and universities receiving federal funds must comply with Title IX. Here are some things that you should know about your Title IX rights.

  • You have the right to report the incident to your school, have your school investigate what happened and have your complaint resolved promptly and equitably.
  • You have the right to choose to report an incident of sexual violence to campus or local law enforcement. But a criminal investigation does not relieve your school of its duty under Title IX to respond promptly and effectively.
  • Your school must adopt and publish procedures for resolving complaints of sex discrimination, including sexual violence. Your school may use student disciplinary procedures, but any procedures for sexual violence complaints must afford you a prompt and equitable resolution.
  • Your school should ensure that you are aware of your Title IX rights and any available resources, such as victim advocacy, housing assistance, academic support, counseling, disability services, health and mental health services, and legal assistance.
  • Your school must designate a Title IX coordinator and make sure all students and employees know how to contact him or her. The Title IX coordinator should also be available to meet with you.
  • All students are protected by Title IX, regardless of whether they have a disability, are international or undocumented, and regardless of their sexual orientation and gender identity.
  • You have the right to be notified of the timeframes for all major stages of the investigation.
  • You have the right to present witnesses and evidence.
  • If the alleged perpetrator is allowed to have a lawyer, you have the right to have one too.
  • Your school must resolve your complaint based on what they think is more likely than not to have happened (this is called a preponderance-of-the-evidence standard of proof). Your school cannot use a higher standard of proof.
  • You have the right to be notified in writing of the outcome of your complaint and any appeal, including any sanctions that directly relate to you. If your school provides for an appeal process, it must be equally available for both parties. You have the right to have any proceedings documented, which may include written findings of fact, transcripts, or audio recordings. You have the right not to "work it out” with the alleged perpetrator in mediation. Mediation is not appropriate in cases involving sexual assault.
  • If an investigation reveals that sexual violence created a hostile environment, your school must take prompt and effective steps reasonably calculated to end the sexual violence, eliminate the hostile environment, prevent its recurrence, and, as appropriate, remedy its effects.
  • Appropriate remedies will generally include disciplinary action against the perpetrator, but may also include remedies to help you get your education back on track (like academic support, retaking a class without penalty, and counseling). These remedies are in addition to any interim measures you received.
  • Your school may also have to provide remedies for the broader student population (such as training) or change its services or policies to prevent such incidents from repeating.

If you want to learn more about your rights, or if you believe that your school is violating federal law, you may contact the U.S. Department of Education, Office for Civil Rights, at 800-421-3481 or ocr@ed.gov. You may also fill out a complaint form online at the OCR website.

Taken from Office for Civil Rights sheet titled "Know Your Rights: Title IX Requires Your School to Address Sexual Violence" (PDF)

Interim measures may be implemented at a later time, even if originally declined, and any put into effect will remain in place until the institution determines that they are no longer necessary.