
Athletic Training

Your choice to study Athletic Training in the Health, Physical Education, Exercise Science, and Recreation Division at Garden City Community College is a choice to learn through hands-on experience led by experienced Faculty who are dedicated to maintaining an educational program that meets the standards and guidelines set forth by the National Athletic Trainers Association (NATA), the Board of Certification (BOC), the Kansas State Board of Healing Arts, the Kansas Athletic Training Society (KATS), and the Mid-American Athletic Training Association (MAATA).

The Athletic Training program includes both didactic and clinical components.  The clinical education allows athletic training students, like you, to apply theories and concepts from classroom learning, while the clinical education includes hands-on hours with a variety of athletic teams at the Community College level. These experiences are invaluable in preparing you for admission to a bachelors degree program in athletic training at a four-year university, and to open up opportunities for your future employment.

Soccer Injury

Since 1987, Athletic Training has been an option at GCCC, and over 35 students choose to study Athletic Training each academic year.  If you also choose to study Athletic Training, you will have the opportunity to focus your studies on prevention and care, kinesiology, and an athletic training practicum experience in the Dennis Perryman Athletic Complex.

Class Sizes

You will join 12 to 24 students in each of your athletic training classes, giving you valuable and quality one-on-one time with the three Certified Athletic Trainers in the department.  You will also have the chance to interact and learn from the Masters-qualified faculty members who teach in the department.  You will be given the chance to apply what you learn both in the classroom and during athletic events.

 Scholarship Opportunities

Are you looking for unique and meaningful opportunities to fund your education?  You could be one of the ten to twelve Student Athletic Trainers who receive scholarships to put their knowledge into action by assisting Garden City Community Colleges Athletic Training Staff as they attend to all of the GCCC Athletic teams. 


Your academic and athletic training advisement is available and may come directly from the Athletic Training instructors at GCCC, so you can rest assured that your questions will be answered as you progress toward completion of your degree.