About Us
GCCC Financial Aid Office Mission: While complying with Federal, State, and Institutional regulations/policies we ensure equality and consistency in the delivery of comprehensive student aid programs to students. Through a sincere commitment to all students and their families, we provide financial resources for the cost of higher education. We provide high-quality service in a fair, sensitive, and confidential environment that supports the entire student body, faculty, staff and our community.
The Financial Aid Office at GCCC is a member of NASFAA, the National Associaton of Student Financial Aid Administrators. We abide by NASFAA's Code of Conduct for Institutional Financial Aid Professionals, which states that an institutional financial aid professional is expected to always maintain exemplary standards of professional conduct in all aspects of carrying out their responsibilities, specifically including all dealings with any entities involved in any manner in student financial aid, regardless of whether such entities are involved in a government sponsored, subsidized, or regulated activity. In doing so, the Financial Aid Office adheres to the following: