Annual Fill A Ford Set for Dec. 5
[Garden City, KS, November 18, 2019--] The Collegiate Farm Bureau and Block and Bridle at Garden City Community College are once again partnering with Burtis Motor Company and The Salvation Army to provide Christmas gifts to children in need this holiday season.
Bring donations of new, unwrapped toys and help the students in the agriculture programs at GCCC "Fill a Ford" with Christmas cheer for those in need. The official 2019 "Fill A Ford" Toy Drive will be held on Dec. 5, 2019, from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m in the parking lot of the John Collins Vocational Building. A truck from Burtis Motors will be parked in the lot throughout the day for collection; however, Farm Bureau and Block and Bridle students will also be in attendance at each performance of "Santa's Got the Flu" at GCCC from Nov. 21 through Nov. 24 to collect donated toys. For more information about the College Players' performance, visit here.
For more information about the toy drive, or to donate early, contact Ag Instructor Cindy Venjohn at or (620) 276-9502.
Garden City Community College exists to produce positive contributors to the economic and social well-being of society.