Two GCCC Employees Awarded NISOD Excellence Award
[Garden City, KS] May 18, 2021 -- Garden City Community College is proud to announce two employees were awarded the annual NISOD Excellence in Teaching and Leadership Award. The 2021 NISOD Excellence Award was awarded to Perla Salazar, GCCC Math Instructor, and Lawrence (Larry) Jenkins, GCCC Nursing Instructor.
The National Institute for Staff and Organizational Development (NISOD) is an organization committed to promoting and celebrating excellence in teaching, learning, and leadership at community and technical colleges. The Excellence in Teaching and Leadership Awards celebrate faculty and staff who demonstrate excellence in professionalism, commitment to learning, relationship with students, and relationship with colleagues.
"Garden City Community College is very fortunate to have such dedicated, hard-working, and honorable leaders on our campus," said Dr. Ruda, GCCC President. "Ms. Salazar and Mr. Jenkins both exemplify our Busters Values while carrying out the GCCC mission of producing positive contributors to society. I am proud of these exceptional instructors and thank them for their outstanding service and dedication to our students."
The GCCC employees were recognized during NISOD's International Conference on Teaching and Leadership Excellence, held virtually on April 28-30, 2021. Excellence Awards recipients receive a specially cast, pewter medallion hung on a burnt-orange ribbon. The names, titles, and colleges of all Excellence Award recipients are included in a special booklet that features congratulatory ads from many of the recipients' colleges. In addition, presentations at the conference involving Excellence Award recipients are indicated in the Conference Program with a special icon.
These employees were further recognized on campus during the May 17th all-employee meeting. Garden City Community College congratulates the recipients and extends appreciation to each for their dedicated service!
Garden City Community College exists to produce positive contributors to the economic and social well-being of society