Tax Credits Available Now from Garden City Community College

[Garden City, KS] July 31, 2023 -- Garden City Community College is selling $500,000 in state tax credits through the Kansas Department of Revenue. Anyone with Kansas tax liability can receive this non-refundable 60% income tax credit for contributions of $1,000 or more to GCCC. This non-refundable credit for Kansas and Federal taxes is usable for tax year 2023.

Garden City Community College will allow the donor to direct their support to one of three projects: STEM Success Center, the Community Indoor Rodeo Arena, or the Adult Education Building renovation.

If you are interested in purchasing a tax credit or would like to learn more, please contact Scott Kedrowski at (620) 276-9572 or send an email to

Tax Credits Available Now from Garden City Community College


Garden City Community College exists to produce positive contributors to the economic and social well-being of society.


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