GCCCA Awarded Tyson Grant for Upward Pathways
[Garden City, KS] January 22, 2021 - Garden City Career Connections Academy (GCCCA) was awarded a grant through Tyson Foods, Inc. to support their participation in the new Upward Pathways Pilot project.
The Upward Pathways Pilot project is a workforce development initiative through Tyson Foods with a goal of providing job-specific training to employees. This program will introduce Tyson employee students to an integrated education and training program focused on industrial maintenance, resulting in skill attainment and professional advancement for participants through Garden City Community College.
Through this grant, Tyson will invest an initial $10,000 to fund the educational cost of program participants at GCCC. Other initiatives are underway to procure additional grant dollars to help increase and advance this partnership further.
This is the second collaborative partnership between GCCC and Tyson Foods. The first, called Upward Academy, is an on-site, adult education program providing ESL, GED, citizenship, and other essential life and workplace skills classes to Tyson employees taught by GCCCA instructors. The new Upward Pathways program will teach targeted, job-specific skills and provide certifications in industrial maintenance from GCCC.
Garden City Community College has sought to continue innovating new ways to lead students towards success in their educations, careers, and lives. GCCC is proud to provide workforce training to meet the needs of the community in collaboration with local industry partner, Tyson Foods, Inc.
Garden City Community College exists to produce positive contributors to the economic and social well-being of society.