GCCC Named 2023 "Most Promising Places to Work in Community Colleges"

[Garden City, KS] April 25, 2023 -- The National Institute for Staff and Organizational Development (NISOD) and Diverse: Issues In Higher Education (Diverse) have recognized Garden City Community College as one of the 2023 Most Promising Places to Work in Community Colleges!

The annual award recognizes community and technical colleges committed to diversity through best-in-class student and staff recruitment and retention practices, inclusive learning and working environments, and meaningful community service and engagement opportunities. The national study employs a web-based survey to obtain information from NISOD member institutions. A multipart, weighted algorithm was used to classify institutions on categories such as family friendliness, salary/benefits, and professional development opportunities. 

"We are honored to be recognized by Diverse and NISOD as one of the most promising places to work. Garden City Community College has a strong and vested commitment and focus on diversity. The college has a cross-representative committee which promotes and enhances the development and implementation of practices, policies, and professional development to build awareness and capacity for diversity," shared Dr. Ruda, GCCC President. He continued, "The mission and BUSTERS values at GCCC align to creating a positive and supportive learning and work environment for students, faculty, staff, and community. This recognition reflects the great faculty, staff, administration, and board of trustees at GCCC who invest in making a difference and commit to serving students and this great community with integrity and pride."

Garden City Community College is the only Kansas institution ranked among the 2023 Most Promising Places to Work in Community Colleges list. GCCC also won the award in 2019 and 2020.

The award-winning institutions will be recognized in Austin during NISOD’s International Conference of Teaching and Leadership Excellence, May 27-30. Additionally, award recipients receive a specially-designed logo to promote the institution’s commitment to diversity during student and staff recruitment efforts and during other times when they want to highlight their commitment to inclusiveness. The awarded colleges are also featured in Diverse’s newsmagazine, a biweekly publication dedicated exclusively to diversity issues in higher education.

To learn more about the Most Promising Places to Work in Community Colleges awards, visit http://www.nisod.org/mppwcc.

If you want to join one of the Most Promising Places to Work, visit the open employment opportunities at GCCC https://www.schooljobs.com/careers/gcccks.

GCCC Named 2023 “Most Promising Places to Work in Community Colleges”


Garden City Community College exists to produce positive contributors to the economic and social well-being of society.


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