GCCC Joins Grant Consortium Benefitting Student Transfer Scholarships

[Garden City, KS] May 1, 2023 -- Garden City Community College has joined the Kansas Consortium through the University of Kansas as part of the Intelligence Community Centers for Academic Excellence (IC CAE) program, an initiative to prepare and hire the next generation of diverse and qualified intelligence professionals.

The University of Kansas (KU) received a $2.4 million grant from the Office of the Director of National Intelligence to add undergraduate pathways for four-year degree completion in biotechnology, information technology, and cybersecurity. KU’s application for this competitive grant included establishing a consortium with four community colleges, including Garden City Community College. 

Schools in the IC CAE program receive five years of funding for program development along with an option for four additional years of sustainment funding to ensure long-term program viability.

“Part of GCCC’s current Strategic Enrollment Management plan is to work on, refine, and reduce barriers for four-year transfer opportunities for GCCC students. This grant opportunity creates pathways and provides scholarships for students to complete their degrees online or in-person at KU’s Edward’s Campus,” shared Dr. Marc Malone, GCCC Vice President for Instructional Services/Chief Academic Officer.

He continued, “Most excitingly, there are stipends for students and their entire families to travel to KU for a wraparound tour and funding for students to travel to intelligence community seminars in Washington D.C. And significant support for job placement after completion at KU. This grant opportunity seamlessly aligns with GCCC’s care for successful student transfer to four-year degree options.”

Through this grant consortium, GCCC is pursuing 2+2 articulation agreements in Biotechnology, Information Technology, Cybersecurity, and Health Sciences through the University of Kansas. 

To learn more about the IC CAE program, visit: https://www.dni.gov/index.php/iccae.

  GCCC & KU IC CAE Grant, pictured left to right: Dr. Ryan Ruda, President, Garden City Community College; Mike Denning, Director of the Office of Graduate Military Programs, University of Kansas.

Pictured left to right: Dr. Ryan Ruda, President, Garden City Community College; Mike Denning, Director of the Office of Graduate Military Programs, University of Kansas.




Garden City Community College exists to produce positive contributors to the economic and social well-being of society. 


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