GCCC Accepting Sealed Bids for Used Synthetic Turf
This has expired as of 5/20/22.
[Garden City, KS] May 9, 2022 -- Garden City Community College is accepting sealed bids for used synthetic turf that will be removed from the BroncBuster Athletic Complex, May 2022. Approximately 55,000 square feet will be available. Interested parties need to submit sealed bids with the quantity wanted and the price willing to pay, per square foot.
Sealed bids will be accepted in the GCCC President's Office until Friday, May 27th, 10:00 a.m. Purchasers are responsible for hauling. Questions can be submitted to Jodie.tewell@gcccks.edu or by calling 620-276-9533.
Garden City Community College exists to produce positive contributors to the economic and social well-being of society.